If you cant Google it - Puff Puff Pass it

Monday, May 08, 2006


Well will wonders never cease...Jacob Zuma (SA's ex deputy president might I add) has been found NOT GUILTY in the Rape trial. Now I think there could be one or two factual reasons for this absolutely mystifying yet great judgement(excuse my sarcasm). Could it be that half of the freakin SA population was able to sit outside the High Court the whole DAMN day creating a major feeling of uneasiness and intimidation for the judge? Or maybe the judge beleived Zuma warranted his freedom due to embracing the youth of South Africa with truly amazing educational advice. Ofcourse no one on this round ball we walk on knew that if you have a shower after sexual intercourse you stand absolutely no chance of contracting HIV.

Whatever the reason is Zuma will be a pretty happy man...the question is why? And whats worse is the whole country suffers major embarresment yet people think its a great judgement! Can you see the headlines in the papers overseas...something like this I'd imagine!

"South Africa's Corrupt Ex-Deputy President Evades Rape Charge"

Doesnt this just make you "Proudly South African"


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