If you cant Google it - Puff Puff Pass it

Friday, December 07, 2007

We're back and gonna be 'beeeeeeger' den eva!!

Welcome back, we went through a major upgrade on all the unix terrabyte servers for the PPP site, its been excruciatingly painful but alas...we are back!!
(Truth: Only remembered the password now...hehe)

Anyways with that all said and done this blog is gonna boom now, we have more contributors and we are gonna be posting up some new and interesting stuff!!

So this Wednesday was the last night at Wesbank raceway where all the mense joined up for some final drags on the strip! I didnt make it as I was powerless to "drag" my a$$ off da couch! But I did have a reporter there who took this amazing pic of the best 'drag' race of the night...although we still not sure who won!!


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